I’m dedicated to helping you
Get Well, Stay Well and Be Well.

Kicking Sick

Your Go-To Guide for Thriving with Chronic Health Conditions


/glō/ ˈwôrēər/

A person who glows in the face of illness and adversity.

The 411:

Knowledge, Beauty, and Nourishment.

Are you a

Hot Mess?

Hi! I’m Amy.

I’m dedicated to helping you get well, stay well and be well.

Join the tribe!

Welcome Wellness Warriors!

I’m so glad we’ve found each other. My goal is to help you get well, stay well, and be well. Here you’ll learn all my top tips and tricks for feeling better, being your own best advocate and ways treat yourself really well.

This is my one-stop Grand Central Station of glowing health and well being, where you’ll find information, inspiration, courage, and humor to allow you to overcome the challenges of chronic illness, arm you with the tools to put a pro-you team together, and give you the courage to ask for what you need – and get it!

I am a certified Health Coach, Wellness Advisor, speaker and author of Kicking Sick: Your GO-TO GUIDE for thriving with chronic health conditions. I’m also someone who’s overcome more than my own share of health challenges. I’m here to help you feel your best. Learn more about me.


Kicking Sick book cover

I’m so excited to introduce you to my new book, Kicking Sick. It chronicles my journey from chronic illness to glowing health. Today I help women of all ages live well regardless of their health situation.

With honesty, humor, and empathy, Kicking Sick shows us all how to jettison despair and become a “glow warrior”—someone who tunes in to her body and inner wisdom, takes charge, and builds a support circle of medical experts, friends, and family.

Kicking Sick also brings in my own A-team of experts crucial to my own turnaround: my personal physician Mark Hyman, gastroenterologist Gerald Mullin, endocrinologist Philip Felig, inspiring Crazy Sexy Cancer author Kris Carr, new thought leader Gabby Bernstein, and renowned yogi Elena Brower, as well as many real-life glow warriors to inspire us.

It’s available wherever books are sold, and at a special price just for you via the links below.

Available everywhere books are sold. Order now:

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More About The Book

“My prayer is that this book will teach you to become a better friend to your body – to the miraculously intelligent and beautiful vessel that carries your soul through your life.”

– Amy Kurtz –

Advance Praise for Kicking Sick

“Amy Kurtz skillfully guides those with chronic illness on their journey to healing. Knowing yourself holistically, seeking integrative modalities, and actively championing your own wellness are strong remedies for chronic illness and pain.”
Deepak Chopra, MD

Author, Super Genes

“Amy Kurtz shines her brilliant light on the world of chronic illness with humor, honesty, and hope. She creates a practical path filled with wisdom and great advice––showing you that you can thrive and you can live an incredible life, no matter what. Kicking Sick shows you how.”
Kris Carr

New York Times bestselling author

“Amy is a true leader. With courage and inspiration, she is the ray of light needed to bring awareness to chronic health conditions from the patient perspective, and she coaches you how to embark on the endeavor of you in difficult situations. Kicking Sick and functional medicine combined are the perfect combination to heal your life.”
Mark Hyman, MD

Author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Eat Fat, Get Thin; director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine

“Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.”

– Ann Landers –

My Story

Amy Kurtz, author, health coachSo why me? Well, to put it simply, I’ve been there. At 14, back pain incapacitated me. At 25, a perfect storm of health issues cropped up after a trip abroad – thyroid disorder, celiac disease, parasite infections and a severe gastric motility disorder of the colon. At 35, after decades of advocating for myself, I finally got the correct diagnosis of Late Stage Nueorlogical Lyme Disease and Co-infections. I’ve learned how to manage my condition and live life full speed ahead.

Chronic Health Conditions – from Celiac Disease to major parasite infections to a hypothyroid condition – triggered a need to identify the underlying problems that were screwing with my system. So I embarked on an intense journey through doctors’ offices, medical clinics, IV labs, fancy specialists offices and assorted spiritual communities. It was a huge wake up call. Did every doctor, healer, specialist and guru have my best interests in mind? Some did – some didn’t, but they all took an incredible amount of energy and resources to sort through

All of these experiences – the trials, the errors, the successes and the failures – were a major turning point. I realized that just because the latest health trend or exclusive specialist worked for some, it didn’t necessarily work for me. I learned how crucial it is to focus on my needs first and surround myself with a team of professionals best suited for me. I realized I had to start questioning even the most established “professionals,” putting the right team together, and finding out what my individual needs really were, and putting them first.

I became an active participant in my own health and got more involved, educated and invested in the healing process. It wasn’t long before my interest in health and wellness evolved into a true passion, and I ultimately became a Certified Health + Wellness Coach, and Patient Advocate. I regularly speak to live audiences, media and podcasts about my journey. No one should be defined by an illness or condition, or have to suffer down the same long road that I did – and that means you!

I realized the only way I was going to recover was to become an active participant in my own well-being.

I was able to help myself, and I am confident I will be able to help you.

I deeply believe in the power of self-care and it is my mission to teach you how to truly take care of yourself. Now I listen to my inner guide, make everyday a chance to move for fitness and emotional well being, eat right for nourishment and pleasure, and connect with people who feed my spirit. And I want to show you how to do the same. So I invite you to come along, be well, – and thrive with me!


“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.”

– C.C. Scott –

Let’s Work Together

As your certified health coach, I listen carefully and help you navigate the often contradictory world of nutrition and lifestyle advice to determine what changes are necessary for you to thrive and glow.

Your personalized program will radically improve your health and happiness. Together, we explore concerns specific to you and your body, and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

How it works:

Select the program below that best suits you. We’ll start our work together with a free initial consultation where I assess where you are, and how to get you where you want to be. Then I’ll take one of the programs below and cater it to your individual needs and goals.

Both programs will help you:

  • Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
  • Work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
  • Understand and reduce your cravings
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Feel great in your body
  • Learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them
  • Improve your personal relationships
  • Discover the confidence to create the life you want
  • Create a pro you team
Amy Kurtz will help you kick sick

Kicking Sick Program

The Kicking Sick Program is ideal for people with chronic health conditions.
Kicking Sick Program Details
  • Assessment of your condition as well as current pitfalls and lifestyle choices
  • Learn how to acquire the tools you need to get your health needs met
  • Get help setting Kicking Sick weekly goals and sticking to them
  • Learn simple breathing exercises/ meditations that will help you to connect with your body
  • Glow Warrior inspiration and information delivered to your email
  • Learn how to put a Health A-Team together
  • Discover how to surround yourself with a group of “pro-you people” – your own army of Glow Warriors – who support and nurture you in your journey towards abundant health and vitality
  • Get help setting Kicking Sick weekly goals and sticking to them
  • Access nutritional tips and recipes to help you thrive in your current state
  • A comprehensive Kitchen De Junking and Reorganization Plan to get rid of the clutter and crap – a start fresh guide to getting and staying healthy
  • Take a health food store tour with me in order to make shopping for food fast and easy. I will show you how to fill your kitchen with whole and nurturing foods in 20 minutes or less – no more exhaustion (or temptation) from trips to the grocery store
  • Individual weekly meal plans delivered to you
  • Get clued in on healthy secrets for eating out
  • Access to movement programs that keep your body happy and your glow beaming!
  • Meditation practices to implement into your every day life
Amy Kurtz will help transform your health

Glow Warrior Program

Become a Glow Warrior! This program offers solutions for optimal health.
Glow Warrior Program Details
  • Assessment of current pitfalls and lifestyle choices
  • Take a health food store tour with me in order to make shopping for food fast and easy. I will show you how to fill your kitchen with whole and nurturing foods in 20 minutes or less – no more exhaustion (or temptation) from trips to the grocery store
  • Individual weekly meal plans delivered to you
  • Access to Glow Warrior recipes and nutritional tips
  • Glow Warrior Inspiration and Information delivered to your email
  • A comprehensive Kitchen De Junking and Reohealthyrganization Plan to get rid of the clutter and crap, start fresh guide to getting and staying healthy
  • Custom information about on-the-go, dining, or take out options close to your home and office
  • Access to customizable fitness routines and tips to maximize and maintain Glow Warrior results
  • Meditation practices to implement into your every day life

Set up a consultation with Amy


“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”


According to the Center for Diseases Control (CDC), 133 million Americans – 1 out of every 2 adults – have at least one chronic illness. Statistics on common chronic conditions are startling, check it out:

Asthma & Allergies

According to the CDC, 1 in 12 people, or about 25 million, have asthma, and the numbers increase each year.


According to the CDC, 1 in 10 adults in the US report depression.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Up to 20% of American adults have IBS.


Between 1.5 and 2 million people in the US have Lupus.


The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates 8 million suffer from the fibromyalgia.

Thyroid Disorders

According to researchers at Harvard University, more than 12 million Americans have a thyroid disorder, and some do not know it.

Lyme Disease

The most common tick-borne infection in the USA, with 27,444 cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each year, up from fewer than 10,000 cases in the early 1990s.


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually strikes women between the ages of 25 to 50 and is a systemic disease that affects the entire body. Approximately 1.5 million American adults have RA, with women outnumbering men 2.5 to 1.


About 215,000 people 20 years or younger have diabetes. Among Americans age 20 or older, 25.6 million people have diabetes.


28 million Americans suffer from chronic migraines. One in five women experience migraine headaches versus one in 20 men.

Celiac & Gluten Intolerance

About 2 million people in the US have celiac disease, or about 1 in 133 people. According to Dr. Fasano, gluten sensitivity affects more people than celiac, about 7% of the U.S. population, or about 20 million Americans.

Stomach Motility Disorders

A striking 2 out of 5 people will experience some kind of chronic motility disorder during the course of their life. More severe motility disorders can affect as many as 1 in 10 people.

Crohn's Disease

More than 500,000 people suffer from Crohn’s disease; half of them women, and approximately 50% of patients are under 35 years of age at the time of diagnosis.

Food Allergies

Between 3% and 4% people in the U.S. actually have a food allergy, or about 12 million people, and there are about 30,000 visits to the emergency room each year caused by food allergies.

Featured On

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Radio MD Rewired
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How You Glow logo
Insights at the Edge
Adventures in Happiness
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You are one click away from beginning a new healthier way of living! Let’s get started. You deserve it. Love, Amy.